
Increase your occupancy and monthly revenue now

Vayoo is an independent platform that assists rental owners in managing their vacational rental properties (through Airbnb, Home away, Wimdu, etc.) enabling them to optimize their rental income by providing them with an extraordinary set of tools and extremely useful information.

Vayoo recommends the best daily price for rental properties but also, among others, makes recommendations on optimal rental periods to maximize occupancy, offers hosts all kind of useful information such as historic occupancy, economic performance, booking activity, property page position, etc., synchronizes different platform calendars, etc.

Price Recommendations

Be always on Price! Vayoo for Hosts is the first Mobile app that helps Airbnb hosts increase their profitability by recommending daily prices according to the following factors:

  • Special Events
  • Weekdays vs. Weekends
  • How far away the booking is
  • Seasonality
  • Hotel prices
  • Your competitor’s prices
  • Local occupancy rates

Your Search Ranking

Your property, never lost again!

Your listing’s search ranking on Airbnb has a direct effect on the number of bookings you close. It is simple: the sooner you appear on the search results, the more visible your listing will be for travelers. However, knowing your search ranking is not a straightforward story as the platform takes more than 100 factors into account an many of them are secret.

Our servers are continually monitoring your site in Airbnb’s website so you can track your search position. With our app, you will not only know whether your property is visible or not, but also in which ranking does it appear.

Economic Performance

Track your performance

Have you ever wonder how much money are you making compared to similar hosts in your area.

With our app, you will be able to track your economic performance, your occupancy rate and the evolution of your daily price. Then you can compare to your area’s statistics and take action upon this information.

You will also be able to check your area’s monthly revenue, monthly occupancy, price per night, cleaning fee average, the number of hosts with instant booking on, the average number of rooms per property in your area, and the average number of stars per host.

Other Features

Vayoo continuously monitors your listing and does real-time analysis of occupation in your area to help you maximize your Airbnb bookings and revenue.

  • Personalized alerts: Be instantaneously notified when there is a missconfiguration on your calendar or a price opportunity
  • Search Position Ranking: Monitor the daily page position of your property in Airbnb’s search engine
  • Price recommendations: Our pricing engine monitors on a daily basis the variables that affect the optimal price for your property
  • Booking activity: Get the last 24 hours bookings in your area and have a complete overview of what properties are getting the booking that you don’t
  • Economic performance: Daily information of the economic performance of your property against your area’s average revenue
  • Historic occupancy: Data and graphics of your current bookings & historical occupancy of your property
  • Area analytics: Your area characteristics & historic evolution
  • Any device: Access Vayoo from web or any device. Web version and mobile & tablet version for iOS & Android
  • Inspect properties: Get inside info on properties near you to evaluate your competency

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