
Book a whole lot more by filling a whole lot less

VeryUs is the FIRST social booking platform designed to increase yield for group trips, while solving low occupancy rates for vacation property owners and agencies.

VeryUs social group trips helps property owners and agencies attract more guests, optimize reservations, and convert more travelers for your vacation rental properties.

VeryUs is building the bridge between traditional vacation rentals and the sharing economy, by helping vacation property management companies increase yield margins while solving low occupancy rates so travelers can split the cost of renting vacation homes together. Or, they can still be brave and go with family.

Since property owners are forced into hit or miss reservations without any guarantees on performance through paid listing services that don’t provide an opportunity to increase occupancy rates through a percentage of travelers who would cover the minimum reservation rate, VeryUs is the answer to giving property owners flexibility of accepting partial bookings that can be customized to fit any desired profit margin on a room by room basis without the revolving bed and breakfast door.

While travelers today are limited to sharing a vacation property homes only with people they know and unable to make new traveler connections, we knew there was a way that would allow travelers to participate and experience a trip as a group while opening up affordable luxury access at the same time.

Grow Bookings During Low Season

Maximize occupancy volume from social travelers who book single room rates towards a full group reservation.

Increase profit margins with greater yield occupancy by capturing any range of social group bookings on a per room basis without turning your vacation property rental into a bed and breakfast.

  • Book social groups
  • Accept partial bookings
  • Boost profit margins
  • Verify social identity

Increase Return Guest Rates

Increase future booking opportunities from social travelers who share common group interests for higher return rates.

VeryUs intelligent pricing calculates and adjusts your minimum bedroom rate boosting occupancy yield with the greatest per-room traveler savings, while maximizing revenue growth opportunities.

Boost Revenue With Nearby Events

Raise profit yield margins when travelers book group trips during major events and social activities nearby.

Market your vacation properties to nearby events and attractions, so travelers who share common interests stay under a single group reservation. Stop chasing potential guests, and leave the herding to VeryUs!

  • Social Group Bookings For Events: Travelers attending events can now stay with other guests who
    share the same common interest and social activities together.
  • Intelligent Display Rate Pricing: Dynamic nightly and weekly rate adjustment for events that
    overlap standard and seasonal pricing for maximum revenue.
  • Multi-Property Listing Availability: Attach multiple properties to a single event in real-time and see the full list of trips created across all available listings in one view.
  • Event Schedule Calendar: Apply start and end times across multiple events in a single calendar
    period to optimize check-in and check-out times for groups.
  • Location Distance Mapping: Add properties with the best demand proximity to maximize revenue
    during events while boosting occupancy with listings further away.
  • Event Ticket Pricing: Provide potential guests with event ticket rates and costs of local
    attraction features nearby for higher conversion.

Publish social group trip status updates on Twitter & Facebook pages in real-time for greater channel traction.

Social travelers are vetted and screened by verifying and matching multiple profile accounts
to ensure a successful social group vacation property reservation.