Short Term Rental University

Grow your Short Term Rental business

Be honest…How would you describe your short term rental BUSINESS?

Disorganized? Chaotic? Are you over-worked? Overwhelmed? Non-existent?

Well, if you answered anything other than, “An automated income machine” you’ve come to the right place.

If you’ve just gotten started with your first listing on Airbnb or Homeaway (or other platform), your ‘business’ may be you engaging in what you feel is best practices. But how do you know? And how do you grow?

Being a host is a business and it needs a framework, methodology, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

To be successful, you must understand your ‘WHY’.

Being busy and trying really hard is a fantastic start. But is it sufficient to run, grow and SCALE into a steady and growing short term rental business?

I want to share what I’ve learned over the last 20+ years to help you get started in short term rentals and / or take your business to the next level.

We have a huge opportunity today. This is a great trade. Take advantage of it.

Here are the top 10 reasons to join Short Term Rental University:

Who Should Join?

  • Those looking to start and grow an Airbnb/Short Term Rental business: Looking for an additional source of income? Great! Short term rentals are one of the best ways to gain a serious source of secondary income. Once you build a foundation you can continue to grow and one day make short term rentals your main source of income.
  • Just getting started and want to improve my side gig: You know how big of an opportunity short term rentals are. Now you’re looking to grow/scale. You’re still involved in the daily operations of a small STR business. You probably still clean, greet guests, etc. You want to take it to the next level and build a machine.(STRU Bachelors)
  • Experienced and committed to growing my business ready to SCALE: You are all in on short term rentals. You’re now looking to grow your wealth with advanced techniques such as 1031 Exchanges and Trip Net Leases.(STRU – Masters)

What You’ll Get

  • Courses: In depth online courses designed to help you grow your STR now
  • Coaching: Monthly Q&As with Richard featuring STR Experts such as interior design, legality, taxes, etc
  • Community: Engage and learn from str entrepreneurs who are in the same stage of the journey as you. Get answers to your most common questions fast in our secret FB Group.
  • Club: Get exclusive deals on Short Term Products, 3rd party tools, and STRU gear

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