Quill Decor

Design your Bnb. We'll teach you how.

Hi I’m Valerie, and I’ve dedicated my business to helping you achieve success as a Short Term Rental property host through outstanding design. You can do this! I’ll teach you how.

Here’s what I know: properties with the best interiors get booked more frequently and at a higher rate. Those professional property photos can only take you so far if all they have to show is an outdated place with forgettable everything. In order to GRAB your next guests attention, you MUST pay attention to design.

My goal is to help you on your journey, not only to break down this huge process into easily managed steps, but also to teach you the fundamentals of residential interior design. Here are some ways I can help!

Start here: FREE 3 Day Email Course to Jumpstart your BNB Design

Check out The Quill Blog, where I write in depth, valuable information specific to Short Term Rental Design.

Download this FREE  no-fuss Amenities Shopping list with links. We’ve scoured all the reviews and done all of the research, so you don’t have to.

Take our FREE Airbnb Style Quiz so you can stop scrolling Pinterest aimlessly and finally have a solid direction for your design.

And finally, I’ve carefully crafted a Short Term Rental e-course that was filmed inside of a 3 Bedroom Airbnb that I designed and procured from front to back. My company purchased everything for this Vacation Rental from the spoons to the mattresses to the sofa. I documented the entire process and created a course teaching you how to do the same successfully! In this course you’ll learn:

In my online course you’ll learn:

  • The fundamentals of residential interior design
  • How to create a budget for outfitting your Airbnb
  • Where to spend and where to save with your decor
  • A proven step by step design process to give you amazing results
  • How to make Mood Boards and Vision Boards to yield a professional design
  • Basically… ALL THE DETAILS you need to produce a beautifully designed Bnb that YOU can be PROUD of!