
We help hosts jump to 5 star ratings by saving them time and money

HostingBNB exists in response to a real problem: Travelers and guests of short term rental solutions expect the basics. Hosts need 5 star reviews to properly compete and make sure their listings have optimal bookings.

Did you know that the number one request of guests are things like shampoo, soap and towels? It’s super simple but a lot of hosts forget and it’s the small details that effect ratings the most. HostingBNB sends hosts monthly packs of toiletries and fresh towels every 3 months to provide comfortable travels for their guests and a stress free hosting experience.

  • Stress Free Hosting: Never worry if you forgot to buy soap or have fresh towels again. HostingBNB packs are delivered to you automatically each month.
  • Affordable: For less than the cost of going to the drug store you will receive your HostingBNB pack each month automatically. It means you can get closer to that “passive income” you’re looking for.
  • Clean and Hygienic: Each HostingBNB pack is individually packed for your guests. All you need to do is make sure items get placed in bathrooms and bedrooms.